Best secure chat app
Best secure chat app

As you can see the message on local db will always remain encrypted.Once a new message is available it gets stored on db.After adding the contact we are ready to start exchanging messages between the two.By scanning both ways we are not relying on a third party (which could be malicious) to exchange contact info.The QR code contains the contact id, display name, public key.This needs to be done both ways, he needs to add your contact also.In order to add contacts we need to scan QR code of the other contact on his profile page.An admin is created and saved to local db.this increases security in case someone gets hold of our physical device and reads the local db.private key will be saved on local db encrypted and not as plain text.The Master Password will be used to encrypt the private key.Once those are set the app will generate a key pair (public, private).On the welcome screen the user needs to define a Display Name and a Master Password.In order to communicate with another person you both need to first install the same app, create a user on the welcome screen and exchange each others info by scanning the QR code on the profile tab. To run the app you simply go into the directory, install packages and start the app with npm start.In order to connect to the correct backend you must change the BASE_URL at /src/config/environment.js.The mobile part is build with React Native using Expo.In order to run the backend, go into directory and first install packages with npm install and then run the containers with docker-compose up.mongo-express and nginx images are used to locally access the db and for storing avatar images.The images used here are node for running the Nodejs app, mongo as the database for storing objects and redis for making possible realtime chatting.It has a docker-compose file which pulls all the necessary images to run everything smoothly.The project is seperated in two parts, backend and mobile. The links below use my backend for sending messages, you are encouraged to build your own application and backend in order to increase security since you will have more control over the services that it uses (you can publish the app on Expo for free) SecureChat is an application which uses encrypted messages to communicate between two parties.

Best secure chat app